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What memories will you make?
Class of 1961
Class of 1963

These are my Dad and Mom's senior portraits from 1961 and 1963, respectively.

I love these photos. They gave me hope through my teenage years that maybe my genes were on my side and that my awkward stage would indeed be temporary.

But there's a lot of history in these portraits. Senior girls wore drapes even then and apparently there was the option to wear something other than a tux.

Besides all that, these are just beautiful portraits of my very own Mom and Dad, both graduates of Oakland High School.

That being said, I'm sure you are aware there are lots of options for your Class of 2010 Senior Portrait session.

For a series of portraits that reflect your personality as a graduating senior, the possibilities are endless.

In studio, on location, with props and unlimited outfit changes, canvas prints, photo books, wallets to hand out to everyone, even web-ready images to post online - The choice is yours!